If you grind or clench your teeth at night (a condition called bruxism), a custom fitted nightguard that fits your teeth perfectly is recommended to protect teeth from wear/tear and relieve the strain on jaw joints. This removable oral appliance can help prevent problems like jaw joint dysfunction (TMJ) and teeth hyper-sensitivity. Teeth can wear down and crack easily if bruxism is left untreated over time.
Do I Need A Nightguard?
Bruxism is a common para functional condition whereby a person unknowingly and subconsciously grinds their teeth when they sleep at night. They are usually unaware of it and most of the time it is their sleeping partner who reports of loud continuous grinding sounds made by their partner during sleep.
Your dentist can determine if you need to wear a nightguard by examining your teeth for signs of wear on the teeth’s biting surfaces. Usually the teeth are worn down and look shorter than usual. There may also be parts of teeth that chip off. As the top enamel layer is worn down and disappear, the underlying
dentine becomes exposed causing prolonged teeth sensitivity. Bruxism also causes the teeth to crack , a condition called crack tooth syndrome.
Types of Nightguard
Conventional nightguards cover all the teeth in the arch from front all the way to the back.
They are bulky and most people are unable to tolerate it in the mouth while sleeping. Check with our dentist about the latest design that offers more comfort with minimal coverage yet effective in protecting the teeth from unnecessary grinding.