Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies happen when you least expect it. You need a dentist who can help you get out of pain quickly whether it’s a broken tooth or an abscess. We provide same-day advise and treatment for new and existing patients.

Toothaches and broken teeth can be a painful and scary experience if you have ever had it before. You are never fully prepared for dental injuries, though they are common. Getting urgent help is vital and the good news is that our family dentists offer same-day emergency care to get you out of your pain as swiftly as possible.

Gum Swelling Singapore

Common Dental Emergencies

The following lists down the most common oral emergency situations we see at our dental practice:

  • Abscesses and Toothaches

Active caries, cracked teeth or infected nerve can cause toothaches. You need to see a dentist soonest possible if you can’t eat properly because your tooth hurts when you apply pressure onto it or notice an obvious gum swelling.

  • Broken or Dislodged Fillings

Weakening of old fillings make them prone to fracture ord islodgement if they are left to decay or leak further around the margins. Fillings that are not being periodically replaced with new ones tend to have this problem. Replacement of fillings is needed when old fillings fall out. A crown may also be indicated if the cavity is too large. Make an appointment as soon as possible and avoid
chewing on that side for the time being.

  • Loose Teeth

Periodontal or traumatic injury can cause teeth to loosen in their socket. Don’t try take it out yourself unless it’s a baby tooth. Call our clinic to arrange for an emergency appointment.

  • Chipped Teeth

Take a painkiller to relieve the pain while you call to make an appointment with the dentist to fix the problem as soon as possible. If left untreated, teeth sensitivity may persist causing discomfort and affecting the comfort during chewing at mealtimes.

  • Tooth that are Knocked Out

Keep the avulsed tooth in a sealed container of milk or saline. Do not use water or ice. Alternatively, you can tuck it on the inside of your cheek to keep it moist with saliva. You can rinse any visible dirt away but avoid scrubbing the roots as the tissue on the roots are vital if it is inserted back into the socket. Try to get it treated within an hour to maximise the success rate of re-implantation of avulsed tooth.

Gentle Dental Care

Our priority is to relieve your pain as fast as possible and help you retain your natural smile for a lifetime. Contact us at Kent Dental Works if you need emergency care

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Dental Emergencies

Time is of the essence when an accident or trauma dislodges a tooth out of its socket. First check if the tooth came out in one whole piece or in fragments. Avulsed tooth comes out whole with the crown and root intact. Rinse the whole tooth in warm water to remove debris and dirt. Avoid touching the root as much as possible. Keep the tooth in milk or inside the cheek to keep it moist in saliva. Rush the injured person and the tooth to the nearest dental clinic. Ideally, the tooth will be implanted and splinted with a wire to adjacent teeth for a period of time.

Check the internet for the nearest available dentist. If you still can’t get an appointment, you can take some steps to ease the toothache. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water, gently brush and floss to remove any trapped food debris. Take an over the counter painkiller such as Paracetamol to soothe the pain. Make an appointment to see the dentist even if the pain resolves. Without proper care the pain could recur or worsen. When your permanent or temporary crown dislodges out, keep the area clean by rinsing and gently brushing the area. Avoid leaving the crown out for more than a few days as teeth can shift, making it difficult or impossible to re-cement back the crown later on. If the tooth is painful, apply some toothpaste inside the crown and gently fit it back into place.

When a tooth is lost, a series of events can start to happen. Not only chewing on the affected side becomes difficult, but over time remaining teeth can tilt and erupt into the space, causing shifting of teeth. Depending on the location and condition of the missing tooth, replacement options include a dental implant, a bridge or a partial denture. If you would like more information do schedule a consultation so we can offer the best advise on your situation.

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